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School Uniform Policy


School uniform is compulsory. However, unbranded, generic items (without logo etc.) are completely acceptable in line with the guidance below. If any parent has concerns about the affordability of uniform, please discuss this with a member of the school team who will be happy to help.

School Uniform Ordering

All school uniform is now available to order online through our school shop.

Please click the link here to go to our shop

Please click for current pricing

Uniform Policy

Please see our full uniform policy here. Below is a summary of key information.

Basic Uniform

Children wear grey or black school trousers or shorts, or grey skirt or pinafore as appropriate, with a white shirt or polo-shirt, royal blue jumper or school sweatshirt. In summer girls may prefer a blue/white dress. Royal blue sweatshirts with an embroidered school logo are available from our uniform provider School Shop for information please click here. Please click here for the current price list. You can also source all our uniform wihout branding locally in numerous outles/supermarkets.

Please name all items clearly, for they do sometimes go astray. Order forms for name tapes are available from school. Do ask to search our lost property box for missing items!

In sunny weather please provide a sun hat and sun cream which children can self-administer.

All children will need a waterproof coat.


Please ensure that your child wears sensible school shoes. These should be plain black and reasonably robust (no strappy sandals etc.). A ‘trainer style’ black shoe may be permitted, but this should not have logos or other colours on.

PE Clothes

There is no need for expensive branded sportswear in school.
Children will need plain black shorts, a plain white round-neck T-shirt and plimsolls, although for indoor PE children will generally work in bare feet. Children from Year 3 upwards will need trainers (instead of plimsolls) and a plain dark coloured tracksuit for outdoor PE in colder weather. Please note that these may get muddy.

Children are encouraged to come in kit on PE days. Alternatively, PE clothes, which need to be clearly named, are best kept in school all week; we sell blue school drawstring PE bags which are ideal for this purpose (these are optional items).


Jewellery is not appropriate for school (including facial and body piercings). If your child has pierced ears, studs must be worn on school days. For reasons of safety, once the initial 6 weeks have passed, ear studs should be removed for PE lessons. If your child is unable to do this independently, please do not let them wear earrings on PE days.


Children’s hair should be kept neatly; long hair should be tied up in school (primarily for safety considerations). Pupils should not have unnatural hair colours or radical hair styles. We will be culturally sensitive to hair styling.


Cloakroom space is limited. No large bags please. Our School Shop provider sell durable book bags and drawstring PE bags (these are optional items). With the exception of games kit for the older children, other school bags should not be needed.

Personal possessions

Please do not allow your child to bring valuable items to school. This includes all forms of smart technology (smart watches, phones etc.).


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